Raluca Schachter, Guest Writer
Waking Times
“The length of life is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential of an organism. The increased use of food enzymes promotes a decreased rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential.” –The Enzyme Nutrition Axiom formulated by Dr. Edward Howell
Vitamins, minerals and all kinds of super-nutrients are in the spotlight on the nutritional arena. Enzymes are not that much talked about though. But they are essential and most of the people these days, including small children are very deficient! Actually, we are the only species on Earth that tries to live without food enzymes! And we’re doing a poor job at it…What happened and why are enzymes so necessary for health?
Why Are Enzymes Essential And Where Did They Go?
Enzymes are substances which make life possible and which are found in natural, “live” foods and also in your body. Enzymes are the “work force” of the body. Without them, chemical reactions cannot take place, and hormones, minerals, and vitamins cannot carry out their functions. There are believed to be hundreds of thousands of enzymes in the body; different enzymes perform different functions. Without them, life cannot exist.
Some activities of enzymes are:
- Digest food to a size capable of being absorbed into the blood
- Rebuild food into tissue of muscle, bone, organs, glands, etc.
- Work to store food in the liver and muscles for fuel later on
- Coagulate blood
- Attach iron to red blood cells
- Eliminate carbon dioxide from the lungs
- Promote oxidation
- Attack waste material in the blood and prepare it for elimination
- Change protein into sugar or fat
- Change carbohydrate into fat
- Change fat into carbohydrate
You can have all the raw materials necessary for good health – vitamins, minerals, intrinsic factors, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, etc. – but enzymes are necessary in order for your body to utilize all the raw materials in its life-supporting activities of metabolism.
Related articles
- How To Prevent Enzyme Deficiency – The Cause Of All Humanity’s Diseases (wakingtimes.com)
- Webinar: What your doctor won’t tell you about enzymes (wisdomandhealth.com)
- Essential Vitamins & Minerals (coalitionofpositiveenergy.com)
- 5 Foods For Better Digestion (myscienceacademy.org)
- Why Sprouts! (localgrubclub.wordpress.com)